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  • 生物学


    生物学 is the study of life and living organisms. 生物学家s study the five principles of biology including cell theory, 基因理论, 体内平衡, 进化, and energy and thermodynamics. 365bet中文的生物系学生学习生物学的基本原理, along with the latest developments in the biological sciences, and develop the ability to understand and critically analyze biological issues. 学生准备在各种研究生课程的高级学习,并在生物学相关领域的职业生涯.


    • 农业科学家
    • 生物学家
    • 植物学家
    • Clinical Laboratory Scientist
    • 医学博士
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  • 工商管理


    工商管理硕士学位通过在会计等领域掌握高级技能,帮助商业专业人士取得成功, 市场营销, 经济学, 定量方法, organizational behavior and finance. 该学位是最受欢迎的365bet中文之一,是希望提升职业生涯的专业人士的重要工具. 365bet中文的工商管理硕士课程将商业功能领域的知识与商业实践的持续发展相结合. 研究生s of the program are able to solve real-world business problems, 欣赏不同的文化观点,并为在营利和非营利组织的管理职业做好准备.


    • 会计
    • 预算分析
    • Chief Executive Officer
    • 首席财务官
    • Chief Information Officer
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  • 沟通的艺术


    365bet中文提供研究生课程,重点是大众媒体和传播. 该项目教师的使命是提供研究生水平的课程,结合先进的理论知识和应用技能,使学生能够在他们选择的专业中担任领导职位,并为他们在博士阶段的学习做好准备. 的sis and non-thesis options are available.

  • Communication Disorders


    交流障碍可以影响各种背景的人,并涉及语言问题, language and auditory processing. 有沟通障碍的人可能很难传达他们的信息或从其他来源接收信息. 365bet中文交流障碍项目的学生将被引入语言病理学领域,并发展必要的干预技能,以帮助有交流障碍的个体.


    • 演讲的临床医生
    • 语言治疗师
    • Speech, Language and Hearing Scientist
    • Speech-Language Pathologist
  • 英语


    英语专业的学生是优秀的作家和有效的沟通者,具有处理复杂思想的能力,能够理解并成功地与他人沟通. 的 英语 program at Valdosta State University builds upon the basic knowledge, 核心课程提供的技能和价值观,同时为学生在众多领域的广泛职业和研究生学习做好准备.


    • Advertising Professional
    • 图书出版者
    • Communications 专家
    • 文字编辑
    • 文案
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  • Industrial/Organizational Psychology


    Since the inception of the 投入项目 1984年在弗吉尼亚州立大学任教, our students have had a high success rate in acquiring jobs in human resources, 研究, 以及人类服务. 我们学生的成功部分归功于学校提供的机会 on-site practicum experiences. Students have served as human-resource interns with local, 区域, 国家, and inter国家 organizations in manufacturing, 人类服务, 卫生保健, 公务员, 银行, and government contracting. bet365亚洲官网的合作教育办公室进一步增加了现场体验的机会.

    Students and faculty in the I-O program staff 杜鹃花咨询, a vibrant consultation service that assists 区域 companies, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies to solve critical administrative issues. Students learn to assist organizations with the creation, 实现, and evaluation of core functions such as strategic planning, 人力资源开发, 人员甄选, 以及职业分析. 学生和教师一起工作,利用最新的技术和数据资源,战略性地解决工作场所的挑战, combined with a creative and collaborative approach.

    每个学生需要完成45个学时的I-O心理学理学硕士学位. 的se requirements include 6 credit hours of on-site practicum experience. 完成硕士论文是可选的,但推荐那些准备攻读博士学位的人.

  • Marriage and Family 的rapy


    MFT方案解决心理健康和情感问题的人际和社会背景. 课程侧重于获取和干预人与人之间的互动所必需的知识和技能. It prepares students to use an active, 积极的治疗方法,将帮助个人和他们的家庭建立在他们的优势, 改善沟通, and develop solutions to their problems.


    • 社会工作者
    • Child/family Psychologist
    • 临床医生
    • 临床医生
    • Marriage and Family 的rapist
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  • Middle Grades or Secondary 教育


    Valdosta State University offers a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) initial certification program in either Middle Grades or Secondary 教育, with two curriculum tracks. 这个项目是为那些在教育以外的专业获得本科学位的人设计的.


    在职教师方向 对于那些目前持有不可续期(临时)证书的教师来说. It is designed as a two year program; at the end of the first year a candidate may be recommended for initial renewable certification (T-4) and at the end of the second year a candidate may earn a master's degree (M.A.T.) with a T-5 certification.


    全日制学生课程 M的.A.T. 是学士学位以外的第五年课程,是全日制全日制课程,考生可以获得硕士学位吗 (M.A.T.) and renewable teaching certification in four semesters. Cohort groups begin in June or January.


    • Certified Physical 教育 Teacher
    • 儿童部长
    • Curriculum Development 专家
    • 教育 Management 专家
    • 家庭服务工作者
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  • 音乐教育


    MAT音乐教育是一个全日制的五年制课程,在学士学位之外,候选人可以获得教学硕士学位,并在满足所有课程要求后有资格获得音乐教育的初步认证, passing the GACE at the Induction or Professional level, and earning a passing score on the edTPA certification portfolio. 该课程旨在培养具有卓越内容知识和教学专业知识的毕业生, 激励, and educate P-12 students. MAT音乐教育课程为在P-12环境中担任教师提供教学方法和必要技能的准备. 该课程使学生能够记录和评估学生的学习成果,并熟悉该领域的创新实践.


    • P-12乐队总监
    • P-12合唱教练
    • P-12音乐
  • 音乐表演


    Music is the art of combining vocal or instrumental sound to evoke emotion, 创造形式美, 或者创造和谐, 旋律或节奏. Humans have been making music since the beginning of time, and music is present in some form in every culture and society around the world. 365bet中文(Valdosta State University)的音乐系为学生准备终身从事音乐家的职业, music educators or professionals who work in the field of music.


  • 社会学


    社会学 is a social science that involves the study of human society. 这是一门广泛的学科,涵盖了一系列的研究领域和潜在的职业. 广泛的, 社会学家研究社会和社会机构如何保持凝聚力和集体意识, and how individuals and groups organize collectively to create social change. 的y do this through pairing theoretical arguments with empirical data. 的 graduate program focuses on applied sociology, a field in which sociological knowledge is used to analyze real-world situations. Students in the program will learn to skillfully design their own 研究 studies. 要做到这一点, they will collect and analyze original data collected through surveys, 面试, 和观察, or, they will systematically examine human-created content, such as written documents or online discussion forums. 学生还将进一步发展分析和解释现有数据的技能, such as from the Census Bureau, the General Social Survey, or the World Values Survey. Students have the opportunity to take a diversity of graduate courses, from those examining the role of race, class, and gender in shaping access to societal resources and inequality, to environmental sociology, 法律社会学, sociology of the family, and sociology of religion.
