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VALDOSTA -- The Georgia Department of Health reports that 63 percent of Georgians are overweight and less than one in four people eat enough fruits and vegetables each day. The annual cost of obesity in Georgia is estimated at $2.1 billion, which comes to about $250 per Georgian each year.

三月是全国营养月, and many dietitians are scratching their heads as to why -- with a surplus of education and low-calorie options -- society is still topping the scales. Dr. Melissa Benton, assistant professor of nursing, heads the nutrition minor at bet365亚洲官网. She said that although obesity continues to plague industrialized nations, she is hopeful that society seems to be replacing its propensity for quick-fix diets with a more holistic and balanced approach to eating.

“Our dietary standards are moving away from ‘low fat’ to ‘healthy fat’ because fats actually seem to be protective of health,本顿说, who studies how older women can maintain muscle mass through weight training and high-protein diets. “So rather than focusing on eliminating fats (frequently by substituting carbohydrates), it may be better to increase our intake of plant oils, 坚果, 种子和鱼.”

The American Diabetes Association sponsors the month-long nutrition and education movement titled “营养 from the Ground Up.“竞选,在 www.eatright.org/nnm/ , encourages people to make informed food choices and develop sound eating and physical activity habits. A significant barrier to healthy eating, 该协会表示, is that people do not often understand or recognize the relation between obesity and major health problems. 心脏病, 中风, various forms of cancer and arthritis are among the plethora of health issues tied to unhealthy eating and obesity.

“It’s anybody’s guess as to whether we’re really more aware (of the importance of healthy eating) and just don’t care, or we aren’t any more aware than we were years ago,本顿说. “We have a lot more information out there, but my impression is that it’s not being used. 例如, 营养标签是必需的, but either people don’t know how to read them or know but don’t bother.”

Benton and other nutrition experts break down recommendations into three categories:

Set aside at least 30 minutes a day for some type of cardiovascular exercise -- from a brisk walk to riding your bike around the neighborhood. Benton said that being fit is more beneficial than weight loss alone. 体育活动减少疲劳, 激活免疫系统, and reduces the risk of chronic health problems like osteoporosis to certain cancers. Being active also increases your mood by releasing endorphins that promote relaxation and reduce tension associated with anxiety and depression.

Check with your doctor before starting an exercise routine, and make sure to find a routine that fits with your lifestyle and interests. From ballroom dancing and swimming to yoga and even belly dancing, there is an activity for everyone.

The American Heart Association offers practical suggestions for daily exercise at home, 无论是工作还是娱乐. 看看 www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?标识符= 2155

A healthy diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. 它还包括瘦肉, 鱼, 豆子。, 鸡蛋, and 坚果; and is low in saturated fats, 反式脂肪, 胆固醇, 盐(钠), 添加糖. Small changes in your diet can make a big impact on your nutrition.

Try brown rice or whole-wheat pasta instead of white or sneak wheat germ or barley to soups, 炖菜和砂锅菜. Keep a bowl of whole fruit and/or vegetables on the table to remind you to incorporate them into your daily diet. Pre-cut fruits and veggies (or keep dried, frozen or canned fruits on hand) for quick snack/meal options. Quick and easy changes can greatly enrich your dietary intake.

美国.S. Department of Agriculture offers user-friendly resources for you to analyze your diet, 制定个性化的饮食计划, 学习健康的饮食习惯. 阅读更多 www.食物金字塔.gov / .

怎么能简单的咒语, “take in the same of fewer calories than your expend,对我们来说很难练习? Well, it just is with food-centered holidays, emotional eating and gigantic portion sizes. Benton said the first step to healthy weight management is knowing and understanding the significance of your waist circumference and Body Mass Index (BMI) -- an indicator of body fat based on height and weight.

“Health risk increases as BMI increases; but even if your BMI is low, if your waist circumference is too large, then you are at a higher than normal risk of health problems,本顿说. “交替, if your BMI is high and your waist circumference is within normal limits, 那你就没有危险了.”

选择减肥计划时, keep in mind that you want to develop lifestyle habits that you can maintain throughout your life. To lose about 1 pound per week, subtract 500 calories each day from the daily amount you intake. To lose about 2 pounds per week, subtract 1000 calories each day.

Calculate your BMI and learn more about healthy weight maintenance at http://www.cdc.gov/ healthyweight /评估/ bmi指数.html .
