总学时: 54          度的格式: 在线

The Doctor of Public 政府 is a practitioner-oriented degree that helps students develop the essential leadership, 管理, 沟通, 以及在当今的专业环境中取得成功所必需的解决问题的能力. The courses in the program are designed to suit the information and skill needs of professionals currently in the field.

DPA项目包括54个学期的课程, 分为基础课程和核心课程, 理论与方法课程, 选修课程, 和顶点/项目学分. 大多数DPA程序是围绕web技术的使用而设计的. Students will participate in selected residency seminars and meetings during the first weekend of each fall and spring semesters on the bet365亚洲官网 campus; the remainder of the coursework will be completed online.

项目协调人: Dr. Keith Lee,电子邮件: keilee@ex8203.com,  电话:229-253-2873




  • 秋季学期: 4月15日
  • 春季学期: 禁止入内
  • 夏季学期: 禁止入内




  • 申请费(接受信用卡或借记卡及电子支票)
  • 在线申请


  • Please note that meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.
  • Transcripts of coursework completed in-residence at bet365亚洲官网 will be obtained by the 研究生院
  • Must hold a minimum of a master’s degree from a regionally-accredited institution with a minimum graduate GPA of 3.5.  
  • Evaluation of International Transcripts - Applicants who have completed coursework at an institution outside of the United States must submit a course-by-course evaluation of the coursework.  这个成绩单评估 必须由国际教育证书评估服务机构完成吗.  我们会考虑网站上任何服务的评价 nace的会员 列表. 


  • A two-页面 written statement by the applicant stating why they are interested in enrolling in the Doctor of Public 政府 program, 他们在课程中提高智力的目标是什么, 以及在这个项目中的学习将如何推进他们的职业目标. 进一步, the cover letter should also (a) identify at least one faculty member they wish to work with as a committee chair/advisor and (b) provide a detailed overview of their specific research interests.  你可以找到一个列表 PADM教员, 附属学院,以及他们在PA上的主题领域 学生信息 页面


  • 学生必须提交10- 20页的写作样本.  写作样本应来自研究生教育(如.g., seminar paper or thesis chapter) for students with graduate education in the last five years.  All other applicants can submit graduate work or a writing sample from their professional experience (including but not limited to a policy brief, 白皮书, 或战略计划).


  • 建议形式

  • 在完成申请时,请输入推荐人的姓名和电子邮件. 之后,他们应该会收到一封电子邮件,邀请他们完成推荐. 如果他们没有收到邮件(或者在垃圾邮件文件夹中找到), 他们可以将他们的建议作为电子邮件附件提交到gradschool@ex8203.com. The General 建议形式 can be used if the 电子邮件 from the online recommendation system does not arrive.
  • 在过去三年内修完课程的申请人, 鼓励两位前教授的推荐. The third recommendation source should be from a supervisor with whom the applicant is/was employed for more than 6 months.
  • Applicants who have not enrolled in coursework in the last three years should seek professional recommendations.
  • 不鼓励个人推荐来源(朋友、家人).
  • Letters must be accompanied by the required form or submitted through the online recommendation system.
  • 至少有一封信必须涉及申请人的写作样本.


  • 一份全面的简历或简历.
  • Please be advised: the academic department prefers applicants to have 5 to 7 years of public sector experience or experience in a related field.


  • 此表格必须由学生/申请人填写并签署.
  • 此表格必须在入学前收到,而不是在入学前.
  • 目前入学的申请人, 以及过去曾就读于弗吉尼亚州立大学的学生, 不需要重新提交医疗表格


  • This is not required for individuals who do not qualify for in-state tuition or a residency waiver.
  • 这必须在入学(如果适用)之前收到,而不是在入学之前.
  • Citizenship documentation is needed for any applicant who wishes to be considered for in-state tuition.
  • 已接受文件的完整清单和 居住资料.

Please note that meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.

除非上面另有说明, all required documents must be received on or before the admission deadline for your file to be reviewed. It is the applicant's responsibility to allow adequate time for document delivery and to en-sure receipt of documents. 请预留至少7-10天的邮寄时间.


The DPA program is a predominantly online program; however, DPA学生每年需要参加两个周末的校内课程.


  • 由于在线混合性质的DPA计划, 国土安全签证要求, DPA项目不能签发I-20学生签证.  Individuals who will require an I-2o student visa to participate in the on-campus requirements are not eligible for admission to this program.
  • Official scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are required for individuals whose first language is not English.托福成绩不低于523分(笔试), 193(机考), 70分(网考).  Applicants whose first language is not English but who have completed a graduate degree in the U.S.,则不需要完成托福考试.
  • Applicants who have completed coursework at an institution outside of the United States must submit a course-by-course evaluation of the coursework.  这个成绩单评估, 这是更普遍的说法, 必须由国际教育证书评估服务机构完成吗.  


  • 常规的状态
  • 以例外/试用身份录取(见下文)
    • GPA在3分以上,有特别积极的申请者.25岁的学生可以被考虑录取为见习学生. 申请人应提交申请试用录取的信. The letter should be included with other application materials submitted to the 研究生院. 申请人可以将这封信提交给DPA招生委员会.
  • 本课程不接受不定期入学.


关于这个项目的入学问题, 请通过电话与研究生院联系, 电子邮件, 或者到我们办公室来.
  • 打电话给我们: 229-333-5694 
  • 电子邮件: gradschool@ex8203.com 
  • 访问我们的: 匡威大厅(主校区),三楼,3100套房

有关其他计划详情,请联系 项目协调人: Dr. Keith Lee,电子邮件: keilee@ex8203.com,  电话:229-253-2873.


  1. Students must complete an application for graduation one semester prior to their expected graduation date.
  2.  A 3.毕业要求累积平均绩点(GPA)为0. 
  3. 低于“C”的成绩将不计入该学位. 
  4. Students must successfully complete the PADM 9990 Capstone Seminar and the PADM 9999 Final Project/Organizational Analysis.

保留,解雇, & 重新接纳政策

  1. A 3.毕业要求累积机构平均成绩为00分. 不低于C的成绩将不被计入公共管理博士学位.

  2. Students will be dismissed from the program if they accumulate three or more academic deficiency points. “C”的成绩(虽然它将被记入DPA学位)等于一个缺乏点. D的成绩,“WF”或“F”,或“U”(没有一个会被记入DPA学位)等于两个缺乏点.

  3. 如果被开除, the student must wait a minimum of two semesters and obtain approval from the academic department, 在申请重新入学之前. The academic program reserves the right to place specific conditions and contingencies on any offer of readmission. Readmission is not guaranteed and prior academic performance and conduct in the program will be considered.

  4. 学术顾问审查官方成绩单,以确定课程的等效性/相似性. 考虑转学分的课程必须:(1)学龄不超过7年, 或者更具体地说, may not be over 7 years of age when the student completes the degree at bet365亚洲官网; (2) be earned at an institution that is regionally accredited; (3) be graduate-level courses; and (4) not exceed specific program limitations on total number of hours. 所有转学申请须经研究生院院长批准, 转学的成绩属于现行的缺额分制度.

  5. 入院后, courses taken more than seven years prior to the semester of degree completion cannot be used to meet graduate degree requirements or admission to doctoral candidacy requirements unless otherwise indicated by individual program requirements. 



总学时: 54          度的格式: 在线

The Doctor of Public 政府 is a practitioner-oriented degree that helps students develop the essential leadership, 管理, 沟通, 以及在当今的专业环境中取得成功所必需的解决问题的能力. The courses in the program are designed to suit the information and skill needs of professionals currently in the field.

DPA项目包括54个学期的课程, 分为基础课程和核心课程, 理论与方法课程, 选修课程, 和顶点/项目学分. 大多数DPA程序是围绕web技术的使用而设计的. Students will participate in selected residency seminars and meetings during the first weekend of each fall and spring semesters on the bet365亚洲官网 campus; the remainder of the coursework will be completed online.

项目协调人: Dr. Keith Lee,电子邮件: keilee@ex8203.com,  电话:229-253-2873




  • 秋季学期: 4月15日
  • 春季学期: 禁止入内
  • 夏季学期: 禁止入内




  • 申请费(接受信用卡或借记卡及电子支票)
  • 在线申请


  • Please note that meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.
  • Transcripts of coursework completed in-residence at bet365亚洲官网 will be obtained by the 研究生院
  • Must hold a minimum of a master’s degree from a regionally-accredited institution with a minimum graduate GPA of 3.5.  
  • Evaluation of International Transcripts - Applicants who have completed coursework at an institution outside of the United States must submit a course-by-course evaluation of the coursework.  这个成绩单评估 必须由国际教育证书评估服务机构完成吗.  我们会考虑网站上任何服务的评价 nace的会员 列表. 


  • A two-页面 written statement by the applicant stating why they are interested in enrolling in the Doctor of Public 政府 program, 他们在课程中提高智力的目标是什么, 以及在这个项目中的学习将如何推进他们的职业目标. 进一步, the cover letter should also (a) identify at least one faculty member they wish to work with as a committee chair/advisor and (b) provide a detailed overview of their specific research interests.  你可以找到一个列表 PADM教员, 附属学院,以及他们在PA上的主题领域 学生信息 页面


  • 学生必须提交10- 20页的写作样本.  写作样本应来自研究生教育(如.g., seminar paper or thesis chapter) for students with graduate education in the last five years.  All other applicants can submit graduate work or a writing sample from their professional experience (including but not limited to a policy brief, 白皮书, 或战略计划).


  • 建议形式

  • 在完成申请时,请输入推荐人的姓名和电子邮件. 之后,他们应该会收到一封电子邮件,邀请他们完成推荐. 如果他们没有收到邮件(或者在垃圾邮件文件夹中找到), 他们可以将他们的建议作为电子邮件附件提交到gradschool@ex8203.com. The General 建议形式 can be used if the 电子邮件 from the online recommendation system does not arrive.
  • 在过去三年内修完课程的申请人, 鼓励两位前教授的推荐. The third recommendation source should be from a supervisor with whom the applicant is/was employed for more than 6 months.
  • Applicants who have not enrolled in coursework in the last three years should seek professional recommendations.
  • 不鼓励个人推荐来源(朋友、家人).
  • Letters must be accompanied by the required form or submitted through the online recommendation system.
  • 至少有一封信必须涉及申请人的写作样本.


  • 一份全面的简历或简历.
  • Please be advised: the academic department prefers applicants to have 5 to 7 years of public sector experience or experience in a related field.


  • 此表格必须由学生/申请人填写并签署.
  • 此表格必须在入学前收到,而不是在入学前.
  • 目前入学的申请人, 以及过去曾就读于弗吉尼亚州立大学的学生, 不需要重新提交医疗表格


  • This is not required for individuals who do not qualify for in-state tuition or a residency waiver.
  • 这必须在入学(如果适用)之前收到,而不是在入学之前.
  • Citizenship documentation is needed for any applicant who wishes to be considered for in-state tuition.
  • 已接受文件的完整清单和 居住资料.

Please note that meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.

除非上面另有说明, all required documents must be received on or before the admission deadline for your file to be reviewed. It is the applicant's responsibility to allow adequate time for document delivery and to en-sure receipt of documents. 请预留至少7-10天的邮寄时间.


The DPA program is a predominantly online program; however, DPA学生每年需要参加两个周末的校内课程.


  • 由于在线混合性质的DPA计划, 国土安全签证要求, DPA项目不能签发I-20学生签证.  Individuals who will require an I-2o student visa to participate in the on-campus requirements are not eligible for admission to this program.
  • Official scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are required for individuals whose first language is not English.托福成绩不低于523分(笔试), 193(机考), 70分(网考).  Applicants whose first language is not English but who have completed a graduate degree in the U.S.,则不需要完成托福考试.
  • Applicants who have completed coursework at an institution outside of the United States must submit a course-by-course evaluation of the coursework.  这个成绩单评估, 这是更普遍的说法, 必须由国际教育证书评估服务机构完成吗.  


  • 常规的状态
  • 以例外/试用身份录取(见下文)
    • GPA在3分以上,有特别积极的申请者.25岁的学生可以被考虑录取为见习学生. 申请人应提交申请试用录取的信. The letter should be included with other application materials submitted to the 研究生院. 申请人可以将这封信提交给DPA招生委员会.
  • 本课程不接受不定期入学.


关于这个项目的入学问题, 请通过电话与研究生院联系, 电子邮件, 或者到我们办公室来.
  • 打电话给我们: 229-333-5694 
  • 电子邮件: gradschool@ex8203.com 
  • 访问我们的: 匡威大厅(主校区),三楼,3100套房

有关其他计划详情,请联系 项目协调人: Dr. Keith Lee,电子邮件: keilee@ex8203.com,  电话:229-253-2873.


  1. Students must complete an application for graduation one semester prior to their expected graduation date.
  2.  A 3.毕业要求累积平均绩点(GPA)为0. 
  3. 低于“C”的成绩将不计入该学位. 
  4. Students must successfully complete the PADM 9990 Capstone Seminar and the PADM 9999 Final Project/Organizational Analysis.

保留,解雇, & 重新接纳政策

  1. A 3.毕业要求累积机构平均成绩为00分. 不低于C的成绩将不被计入公共管理博士学位.

  2. Students will be dismissed from the program if they accumulate three or more academic deficiency points. “C”的成绩(虽然它将被记入DPA学位)等于一个缺乏点. D的成绩,“WF”或“F”,或“U”(没有一个会被记入DPA学位)等于两个缺乏点.

  3. 如果被开除, the student must wait a minimum of two semesters and obtain approval from the academic department, 在申请重新入学之前. The academic program reserves the right to place specific conditions and contingencies on any offer of readmission. Readmission is not guaranteed and prior academic performance and conduct in the program will be considered.

  4. 学术顾问审查官方成绩单,以确定课程的等效性/相似性. 考虑转学分的课程必须:(1)学龄不超过7年, 或者更具体地说, may not be over 7 years of age when the student completes the degree at bet365亚洲官网; (2) be earned at an institution that is regionally accredited; (3) be graduate-level courses; and (4) not exceed specific program limitations on total number of hours. 所有转学申请须经研究生院院长批准, 转学的成绩属于现行的缺额分制度.

  5. 入院后, courses taken more than seven years prior to the semester of degree completion cannot be used to meet graduate degree requirements or admission to doctoral candidacy requirements unless otherwise indicated by individual program requirements. 

