Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cooperative Education Work Experience?

Cooperative Education (Co-op) Work Experience is an academic program that offers you an experience-based learning opportunity to explore or confirm your career interests and plans, apply classroom learning to real world situations and practice or strengthen interpersonal and technical skills.

Through on-the-job experience, you may earn college credits, test your interest and suitability for an occupation, be exposed to work methods not taught in the classroom and have access to technology that may not be available in the college laboratory. It also improves your ability to make the transition from school to work following completion of a degree or certificate program. The work experience may be paid or non-paid (Internship), contingent upon the industry and type of work.

Why should I consider Co-op Education?

Even if you have had some prior work experience, Cooperative Education provides you with opportunities to:

  • Learn while working in a specific career field.
  • Test your skills and interests in that field.
  • See how classroom theory applies in a work setting.
  • Obtain valuable, documented work experience.
  • Develop a better understanding of others and improve skills in human relations.
  • Obtain contacts and possibly a reference for future employment.
  • Receive earnings (in most work experiences) to help defray college costs.

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