如果你有问题不在列表上, 请致电(229)333-5998, 所以我们可以帮助你.

A: bet365亚洲官网 is committed to providing adequate facilities for programs that are educational in nature, in a manner consistent with the educational goals and mission of the University; as a community partner, 大学也支持公共服务活动的需要. 婚礼/招待会是不被接受的, 淋浴, 生日聚会, 家庭团聚, 非附属节日派对, 非附属的重复会议/午餐会, 征集研讨会/项目, 或其他被认为不符合大学最佳利益的活动.

A: Student organizations can make reservations up to one semester in advance for events. Off campus users are allowed to make reservations three (3) months before their event date. 一个部门的重大活动不能提前超过2年. (事件服务部门有权决定一个事件是否被认为是重大事件.)

A: It is necessary for reservations to be made two weeks in advance for the proper paperwork to be completed. 一些事件可能需要事件设置团队、额外人员等的交付. All departments and employees need to have ample notification of all aspects of events.

答:弗吉尼亚州立大学的学生, 教职员工不得为个人使用(婚礼)预留设施, 淋浴, 生日聚会, 无党派组织, 等.). bet365亚洲官网 students can make reservations as a delegate for their registered student organization. 教师可以为部门需要预约, bet365亚洲官网-affiliated组织, 作为注册学生组织的顾问, 以及其他州立大学的学术活动. 员工可以为部门需要预约, bet365亚洲官网-affiliated组织, 作为注册学生组织的顾问, 和其他bet365亚洲官网活动.

答:没有, 除非是募捐活动, 意思是如果入场费, 报名费, 门口的捐款, 等. 收集. 请参阅 资金筹集人政策.

答:没有, unless the department or organization is collecting money for their benefit; if fees are being collected then affiliated facility charges will apply.

是的, all unaffiliated organizations and businesses outside of the University must pay facility usage fees. 费用的细目可在 设施使用指引手册.

答:没有. 活动服务中心不会在教室内放置家具. 我们将在教室外放置家具,以便办理登机手续或提供食物, 但是这些家具是不能带进教室的.

A: Equipment that belongs to the State of Georgia and 365bet中文 cannot leave campus even if reserved via the Event Services Office. However, certain equipment can be checked out from Media Services for academic related projects.

A:女子楼不属于弗吉尼亚州立大学. To make reservations for the Woman's Building, please call (229)-241-8064 or check the 网站 了解更多信息.

A:所有的学术课程都是通过 教务处. 事件服务仅安排非学术类的事件或程序.

A: An Emergency Reservation Request is a request that is a true emergency such as a last minute meeting; it cannot be a social event or a fundraiser. Two (2) emergency reservations are allowed per semester for each student organization, provided there is adequate time for the reservations staff to process the request and notify appropriate departments. 紧急请求将不接受少于48小时的通知. The faculty advisor of the student organization must approve the request by calling the Event Services Office prior to the completion of the event contract.

A:外面的小贩不允许在校园里拉客. Student Life holds "The Happening" each fall semester, inviting outside vendors to the campus. 有关此活动的更多信息,请联系 学生生活办公室 at (229) 333-5674.

A:只有在以下情况下,外部供应商才能出席校园活动 辅助服务 给予事先批准. 批准, it is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to make sure that a Vendor Form is completed following the event and returned to Event Services. 活动结束后将收取销售税和总销售额的20%.

A:在第62页的N部分 学生手册.

A: The proper steps are as follows: (1) Complete Fundraiser Request Form located on BlazerLink no later than three (3) weeks in advance of fundraiser event, (2) put in reservation through the R25 system for the tentative date of the fundraiser (3) Complete the Fundraiser Request Form (4) If both the fundraiser request form and reservation request have been approved, you will be notified by the Event Services Office to come sign the Event Contract generated by Event Services. (5)供应商是否会出席筹款活动, 填写供应商表格并按指示收取款项. (6) The following items should be returned to Student Life no later than two (2) weeks after the fundraiser event: (a) Financial Disbursement Form (b) Vendor Form (if applicable) and (c) Charity Letter. (7)事件发生三周后, 如果上述第7条中提到的项目尚未返回到事件服务, 然后,您的组织将被收取活动的全部租金.


A: bet365亚洲官网 校友 can schedule bet365亚洲官网 校友 functions on campus by coordinating their event with the 校友关系处.

A: Major University events are considered to be events that require months of pre-planning and involvement from many University departments (detailed setups, 保管的, 安全, 餐饮, 停车, 视听, 等.). 这些活动可能包括毕业典礼活动, 承认事件, 方向会话, 大学的庆祝活动, 和会议. University departments may request reservations for major campus events up to two (2) years in advance with prior approval from Event Services.

A: Major events are considered to be events that require months of pre-planning and involvement from many University departments (detailed setups, 保管的, 安全, 餐饮, 停车, 视听, 等.). These events may include events, musical events with DJ's or bands present, guest speakers, 等.). Registered student organizations may request reservations for major campus events up to one (1) year in advance with prior approval from Event Services.

答:没有. The only organization approved by the University to conduct concerts on campus is the 校园活动委员会 与 学生生活办公室.

答:不可以,研究生分会不能预订校园设施. 校友的职能必须与校友会协调 校友关系处.

A:如果一个小组在同一学期内违反了三次政策, the group will lose the privilege to reserve space on campus for the remaining semester and the following semester. All confirmed scheduled reservations will be cancelled the organization will be submitted to the Student Conduct Officer.

一些违规行为可能包括罚款或指控. The organization will be required to pay all outstanding balances within two weeks after the event. Failure to pay will result in result in the cancellation of all requests and the organization will be submitted to Student Conduct.

Appeals for Policy Violations are first made to the Director (or designee) of the department overseeing the reservation for use of space. 终审, 如果听到, is made to the Vice President (or designee) within the Division overseeing the reservation or use of space.

A:请使用 这个链接 以了解该地区的更多信息.