的 Department of Environmental and Occupational Safety offers training/information on a variety of topics.

On-Line 培训
University System of Georgia Environmental Health and Safety office has provided on-line modules for Hazardous Chemical Right-to-Know training, Hazardous Waste Awareness, and Bloodborne Pathogens. 的 links to the training courses are listed below.

的 Right to Know course covers basic awareness, which is required for all faculty and staff that may be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the workplace.  Additional Chemical-Specific training is required for all faculty and staff who use hazardous chemicals and should be provided by the immediate supervisor.

In addition, all faculty and staff members who work with hazardous materials and generate hazardous waste should review and understand the Hazardous Waste Awareness 培训.

Any faculty or staff who may encounter blood or other potentially infectious materials while performing their job duties should review the Bloodborne Pathogens 培训.

Departmental 培训
Staff members of Environmental and Occupational Safety are also provide training on selected subjects, such as fire safety, building evacuation, fire extinguisher use, 等. If your department or student group is interested in scheduling a training session, please call or e-mail our office.

Video Library
Environmental and Occupational Safety has a library of videos on topics ranging from Georgia Right-to-Know Rules to Fire Safety to Chemical and Laboratory Safety. 的se videos can be viewed at any time at the Environmental & Occupational Office. Please visit our video library page to obtain a list all available titles. .
