网站连结 l 跨文化之旅 文化的挑战 适应压力 l 应对文化适应




This article focuses on the kinds of adjustment problems that international students had while they studied at a university in the United States, 以及他们在面对这些问题时所采取的调整行为.


为准备出国留学的学生提供资源和信息. 这既包括留学项目的学生,也包括国际学生. 

国际学生公司. -

作为一个值得信赖的朋友和所有学生的倡导者. 学生们不仅分享他们的真实经历, they also gain the opportunity to expand their knowledge about the world from their peers.


A comprehensive data analysis of information of the economic value international students provide for their host countries. The NAFSA general website provides international students and parents with valuable tools and resources to help student become better equipped to their life in their host country.


本视频讨论的是心理健康意识, 特别是对国际学生, 如果你正在与压力作斗争,如何获得帮助, 焦虑或情绪低落.


旨在丰富思想的非营利组织, 提高全球技能, 建立职业生涯, 并通过国际学习项目将个人联系起来.


Addresses six challenges that international students typically face in their first semester of attending college in the United States.


This article focuses on an advisor’s tips of effectively advising international students in their academic endeavors. 


This article provides four useful tips to help international students participate in class with more ease.


这篇文章为在国际大学博览会上的大学面试提供了一些建议. These tips can be a useful resource to help international students prepare for these important interviews.



学生选择来美国学习的原因有很多. 一些最常见的原因是为了获得学位, 获得专业和学术培训, 了解另一种文化, 或者促进个人成长. 通常是这些因素的结合. Some international students know a lot about the United States before arriving while others know much less. 不管来美国的原因是什么.S., 不管我们对文化了解多少, 几乎所有的国际学生都要经历一段适应期.

I. 适应新文化的一般阶段

适应一种新的文化是一个正常的过程. A number of stages in this process have been identified and are useful as guidelines. 然而, 由于个体差异, 并非所有人都会经历每一个阶段, 这些阶段对不同的人来说持续的时间也不同.

蜜月期: In this stage everything seems exciting and new; people often feel energetic and enthusiastic during this period.

文化冲击阶段: In this stage people become very aware of the differences and conflicts in values and customs between their home culture and the new culture. Culture shock increases especially when one has difficulties with a new language and/or when one experiences prejudice. Common feelings during this stage include confusion, anxiety, homesickness, and/or anger.

恢复阶段: 在这个阶段,人们开始解决第二阶段的压力. One learns more about the new culture, finds more understanding, and manages better than before. 这一阶段的共同感受是第一阶段和第二阶段的混合.

适应阶段: In this stage people come to accept and appreciate the similarities as well as the differences between cultures. There is room to develop a realistic view of both and have clearer 的想法 about one’s likes and dislikes in each.

II. 为什么进入一种新的文化可能是一个挑战

许多因素会使适应一种新文化的过程具有挑战性. 一些常见的因素包括:

变化: 所有更改, 不管是积极的还是消极的, 会有压力, 因为变化带来了未知和不熟悉. 当然,适应一种新的文化会有很多变化.

失: Coming to a new culture can mean having some losses to grieve: loss of contact with family and 朋友; loss of the status one is used to in the home culture; loss of familiar and favorite places, 食物, 气候, 等.

价值的差异: 中美之间价值观的差异.S. 文化和一个人的家乡文化是具有挑战性的. These can include moral, social, political, educational, and work-related value differences. 一般, 文化之间的差异就越大, 适应的过程就越具有挑战性.

预期: 一个人在美国的经历.S. 可能会受到事先预期的影响. 当高期望没有得到满足时,就会出现困难.

社会技能: 成功所必需的社交技巧, 无论是人际关系还是学术上, 因文化而异. Many international students have very effective 社会技能 in their home culture and language, 但可能会发现很难学习在美国取得成功所需的不同技能.S.

东道国接受程度: 美国人的生活方式.S. 对待留学生也影响着适应过程. 如果一个人遇到表达歧视和偏见的人, 他们希望每个人都遵守美国的法律.S. 生活的方式,适应起来会比较困难.

三世. 适应压力的常见迹象

It is natural for people living in a different culture to feel sad and lonely at times, 想念家乡的文化, 朋友, 和家人. Sometimes, however, the stress of adapting may reach a level that requires special attention. 这种压力的常见迹象包括:
-    experiencing physical problems or discomfort for which doctors can find no reason

IV. 帮助应对文化适应的方法

在适应过程中有很多事情可以帮助你. 不同的事情可以帮助不同的人,通常不止一种方法是有用的. 三个最能帮助你解决问题的领域是学术技能, 社会技能, 以及足够的情感支持.

教育制度和期望因文化而异. 由于不熟悉美国.S. 系统, 尤其是在使用第二语言的挑战下, 会导致学业问题吗. 克服这些问题的一些方法包括:
-    keeping in close contact with teaching assistants and professors; stating one’s needs and asking about educational norms, 建议, 的想法, 和帮助
-    meeting one-on-one with colleagues and teachers if possible to address specific questions and allow sufficient time for clarifications

While it is important for international students to retain their home country’s cultural identity and beliefs, 了解U.S. culture and becoming familiar with the social customs here can aid in the adaptation process. 做到这一点的方法包括:
-寻找一个了解美国的支持你的人.S. 良好的文化,能够解释行为,语言和习俗.

-    sharing feelings and experiences with others who are understanding and supportive
-    staying connected with the “comforts of home” (special 食物, rituals, activities, 等.)

It is important to remember that adaptation is a normal process that can take some time and effort.

V. 积极的结果

While the process of adaptation can be challenging, it also has many positive aspects. International students who go through this process benefit in terms of achieving personal growth, 变得更加灵活和有洞察力, 也更能适应未来的经历. Cultural adaptation typically results in a broader and richer worldview that allows a person to draw from the best parts of different cultures.

Information above was obtained by the 咨询中心 at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign